Monday, December 8, 2008

First Post

Shad is in Baghdad, but comes home mid-January and he is doing well. He continues to amaze at every turn, and has been busy reading lots of big books, and completing his Squadron Officer School training in his spare time. He has had some very interesting experiences in Iraq, and God has been watching out for him (a base he was visiting was bombed, but thankfully, the huge explosive that was launched first didn't detonate, and two other bombs on timers were found and taken apart before their time was up!) Shad has had some great opportunities to teach, and lead, and help. We have missed him greatly and his return is eagerly anticipated.

We spent July through Sept. in Rexburg, ID visiting family, and moved back down near the base here in October. We found a nice house to rent, and it suits us well. Justice is 5 now, Felicity is 3 and Christian is 18 months. I have been working on my calling as counselor in the Primary in our ward. I have gained an appreciation for the programs of the church, and for those who serve when it is as time consuming as it is!

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